Collectible Cat Book, Food For Crazy Cat Ladies
Collectible Cat Book, Food For Crazy Cat Ladies

Collectible Cat Book, Food For Crazy Cat Ladies

Price: $3.99
Part Number: 1320310-13236632

Collectible Cat Book, Food For Crazy Cat Ladies

The sub title of this book is: "20 Recipes For Humans Who Love Cats".  The author presents recipes for people but gives them "cat lover" names:  grilled pineapple is purrnapple, a summer salad is watermeowlon and bacon & cheese potato skins are call pawtatos.   Opposite each recipe is a color drawing of a purrnapple, watermeowlon, pawtato etc.  The hard back book is 6 1/8" square, copyright 2019, 60 pages.  Previously owned but in good condition. 1 only  

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